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Building Materials Industry Description

The building materials industry in Pennsylvania has a long history dating back to the state's early days as a major producer of iron and steel. Today, the industry is diverse and includes a range of materials such as lumber, concrete, glass, and plastics. Pennsylvania is home to several large building materials companies, including CertainTeed, PPG Industries, and Armstrong World Industries. These companies produce a variety of products, including roofing materials, insulation, flooring, and wallboard. The state also has a strong manufacturing sector that produces building materials and components, such as windows and doors. In addition, Pennsylvania has a thriving construction industry that relies on these materials to build homes, commercial buildings, and infrastructure projects. Despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain disruptions, the building materials industry in Pennsylvania remains a vital part of the state's economy.



4.17 Billion


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Building Materials



top companies

Top Companies


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

250 Million to 500 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

1 Billion and Over


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

250 Million to 500 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

100 Million to 250 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

1 Billion and Over


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

100 Million to 250 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

25 Million to 50 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

50 Million to 100 Million


Building Materials

United States, Pennsylvania

10 Million to 25 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The architecture, construction, and real estate industry in Pennsylvania is a thriving and dynamic sector that plays a crucial role in the state's economy. With a rich history and diverse range of architectural styles, Pennsylvania boasts a vibrant architectural scene. From iconic landmarks such as the Philadelphia City Hall and the Pennsylvania State Capitol to modern skyscrapers and residential developments, the state offers a wide array of architectural marvels. In terms of construction, Pennsylvania is home to numerous construction companies and contractors that specialize in various sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure projects. These companies employ skilled workers and utilize advanced construction techniques to deliver high-quality projects that meet the needs of clients and contribute to the state's infrastructure development. The real estate industry in Pennsylvania is also a significant contributor to the state's economy. With a mix...

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The top Building Materials companies in Pennsylvania are Armstrong World Industries, Wagners and Conestoga Wood Specialties. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 93 of Building Materials companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Building Materials companies in the US is 7500000.

Yes, the Building Materials industry in Pennsylvania is known for Building Materials as there are 93 companies in Pennsylvania.

The average revenue for Building Materials companies in Pennsylvania is 44827957.

You can find job opportunities in the Building Materials in Pennsylvania through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Building Materials industry main page is found here.

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