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Oil & Energy Industry Description

The oil and energy industry in Virginia is a significant contributor to the state's economy. Virginia has a diverse energy mix, including coal, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy sources. The state is home to two nuclear power plants, which provide a significant portion of the state's electricity. Virginia also has several natural gas pipelines that transport gas from the Appalachian Basin to other parts of the country. The state's coal industry has declined in recent years, but it still plays a role in the state's energy mix. Virginia has also made significant investments in renewable energy, including wind and solar power. The state has several wind farms and solar facilities, and it has set a goal of generating 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2045. Overall, the oil and energy industry in Virginia is evolving, with a shift towards cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy.



7.16 Billion


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Avg Salary in Oil & Energy



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Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

500 Million to 1 Billion


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

25 Million to 50 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

100 Million to 250 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

100 Million to 250 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

1 Billion and Over


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

50 Million to 100 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

25 Million to 50 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

10 Million to 25 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

50 Million to 100 Million


Oil & Energy

United States, Virginia

50 Million to 100 Million


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Industry + State Overview

The manufacturing and industrial industry in Virginia plays a crucial role in the state's economy. With a diverse range of sectors, including aerospace, automotive, chemicals, food processing, and more, Virginia has established itself as a prominent manufacturing hub. The industry contributes significantly to job creation and economic growth, attracting both domestic and international investments. Virginia's strategic location on the East Coast, well-developed transportation infrastructure, and access to major ports make it an ideal location for manufacturing and industrial activities. The state government has implemented various initiatives to support the industry, such as tax incentives, workforce training programs, and infrastructure development projects. Additionally, Virginia's strong research and development capabilities, with several renowned universities and research institutions, foster innovation and technological advancements within the manufacturing and industrial sector...

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The top Oil & Energy companies in Virginia are Centurion Group, Petroleum Marketers Inc. and Pepco Energy Services. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 89 of Oil & Energy companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Oil & Energy companies in the US is 17500000.

Yes, the Oil & Energy industry in Virginia is known for Oil & Energy as there are 89 companies in Virginia.

The average revenue for Oil & Energy companies in Virginia is 80432584.

You can find job opportunities in the Oil & Energy in Virginia through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Oil & Energy industry main page is found here.

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