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Plastics Industry Description

The plastics industry in Mississippi is a significant contributor to the state's economy. The industry includes manufacturers of plastic products, plastic packaging, and plastic raw materials. Mississippi's central location and access to major transportation routes make it an ideal location for plastics companies. The state's workforce is also well-suited for the industry, with a strong manufacturing base and a skilled labor force. Major companies in the plastics industry in Mississippi include Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, which operates a polyethylene plant in Pascagoula, and Plastic Products Company, which produces plastic packaging in McComb. The industry has faced challenges in recent years, including increased competition from overseas manufacturers and concerns about the environmental impact of plastic waste. However, Mississippi's plastics industry continues to grow and innovate, with companies investing in new technologies and processes to improve efficiency and sustai...

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141 Million


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Plastics



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Top Companies



United States, Mississippi

25 Million to 50 Million



United States, Mississippi

50 Million to 100 Million



United States, Mississippi

5 Million to 10 Million



United States, Mississippi

10 Million to 25 Million



United States, Mississippi

1 Million to 5 Million



United States, Mississippi

Under 1 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The manufacturing and industrial industry in Mississippi plays a crucial role in the state's economy. Mississippi has a diverse manufacturing sector that encompasses various industries such as automotive, aerospace, chemicals, food processing, and furniture manufacturing. The state's strategic location, abundant natural resources, and favorable business climate have attracted numerous manufacturing companies to establish their operations in Mississippi. The automotive industry in Mississippi has experienced significant growth in recent years. The state is home to several automotive manufacturing plants, including Nissan's assembly plant in Canton and Toyota's plant in Blue Springs. These facilities have created thousands of jobs and have contributed to the state's economic development. Mississippi's aerospace industry is also thriving, with companies like Airbus Helicopters and GE Aviation having a presence in the state. These companies manufacture aircraft components and engines,...

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The top Plastics companies in Mississippi are McNeely Plastics, HYTEK SERVICE GROUP and SCP Polymers. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 6 of Plastics companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Plastics companies in the US is 12500000.

No, the Plastics industry in Mississippi is not known for Plastics as there are only 6 companies in Mississippi.

The average revenue for Plastics companies in Mississippi is 23500000.

You can find job opportunities in the Plastics in Mississippi through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Plastics industry main page is found here.

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