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Transportation, Trucking and Railroad Industry Description

The transportation industry in Hawaii is heavily reliant on shipping and air travel due to the state's isolation from the mainland United States. However, the trucking industry also plays a significant role in transporting goods within the state. The state's major ports include Honolulu, Hilo, and Kahului, which handle a variety of cargo, including food, fuel, and construction materials. The rail industry in Hawaii is limited, with only one active railroad, the Hawaiian Railway Society, which operates a historic train tour on the island of Oahu. The state's transportation infrastructure is also impacted by its unique geography, with many roads and bridges located in areas prone to natural disasters such as landslides and flooding. Despite these challenges, the transportation industry in Hawaii continues to play a vital role in the state's economy and daily life.



817 Million


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Avg salary

Avg Salary in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad



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Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

50 Million to 100 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

50 Million to 100 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

25 Million to 50 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

250 Million to 500 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

10 Million to 25 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

25 Million to 50 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

25 Million to 50 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

5 Million to 10 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

10 Million to 25 Million


Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

United States, Hawaii

10 Million to 25 Million


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Segmentation by Number of Employees

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Industry + State Overview

The transportation and logistics industry in Hawaii plays a crucial role in connecting the islands and facilitating the movement of goods and people. With its unique geographical location, the industry faces distinct challenges and opportunities. Hawaii heavily relies on air and sea transportation to connect its islands and maintain a steady flow of goods and services. The state's main airports, such as Honolulu International Airport, serve as major hubs for both domestic and international flights. These airports are essential for tourism, as they bring in millions of visitors each year. Additionally, they facilitate the transportation of goods, including perishable items like fresh produce and seafood, which are vital to the local economy. The maritime industry is equally important in Hawaii, with several major ports serving as gateways for cargo ships. The Port of Honolulu, located on the island of Oahu, is the state's primary commercial harbor. It handles a significant volume ...

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The top Transportation, Trucking and Railroad companies in Hawaii are The Railways of Islamic Republic of Iran, SpeediShuttle and Hawaii Stevedores. To view a full list of companies in this industry, please sign in to CIENCE GO Data.

The companies are ranked based on factors such as revenue, workforce (employee count), and regional location.

There are approximately 28 of Transportation, Trucking and Railroad companies in the US according to the latest CIENCE data.

The median revenue for Transportation, Trucking and Railroad companies in the US is 7500000.

No, the Transportation, Trucking and Railroad industry in Hawaii is not known for Transportation, Trucking and Railroad as there are only 28 companies in Hawaii.

The average revenue for Transportation, Trucking and Railroad companies in Hawaii is 29178571.

You can find job opportunities in the Transportation, Trucking and Railroad in Hawaii through online job portals, company websites, and industry-specific job fairs. Each company listed in the CIENCE database includes known company phone numbers and website information.

The overall Transportation, Trucking and Railroad industry main page is found here.

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