AERO Corporation

Aero Corporation

Aviation & Aerospace, 5411 Sky CTR Dr, Fairfax, Virginia, 33607, United States, 11-50 Employees

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AERO CORPORATION (AERO) provides advanced autonomous, commercial drone systems for business and government applications. The Company makes advanced commercial drone technology extremely u...

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industries-icon Industry: Aviation & Aerospace

SIC SIC Code: 6799 | NAICS Code: 541110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AERO Corporation

Answer: AERO Corporation's headquarters are located at 5411 Sky CTR Dr, Fairfax, Virginia, 33607, United States

Answer: AERO Corporation's phone number is +18*********

Answer: AERO Corporation's official website is

Answer: AERO Corporation's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: AERO Corporation's SIC: 6799

Answer: AERO Corporation's NAICS: 541110

Answer: AERO Corporation has 11-50 employees

Answer: AERO Corporation is in Aviation & Aerospace

Answer: AERO Corporation contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: AERO CORPORATION (AERO) provides advanced autonomous, commercial drone systems for business and government applications. The Company makes advanced commercial drone technology extremely useful and easy to use - for business and government organizations. The Company thrives on the leading edge of advanced technology in the rapidly expanding commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV or drone) industry. AERO builds, integrates, and deploys end-to-end autonomous aerial systems and solutions that quickly and efficiently accomplish tasks that are typically performed by manned operations - or not at all. AERO also develops fully-integrated "command and control" software and low-altitude airspace management systems. AERO systems ENABLE fully-integrated drones to perform assigned tasks completely autonomously. AERO UAV solutions allow organizations large and small to deploy aerobotic technology in situations where manned operations would be difficult, dangerous, costly , risky, less effective, or flat-out impossible. AERO's Integrated Aerial Vehicles (IAVs) have defense-grade redundant secure networking (using radio, cellular and satellite communications) to ensure the full-time tracking and control of robotic aircraft -- even from thousands of miles away. With full "eyes-on" video. AERO is a spinoff of an advanced R&D contractor with a 20-year history of success for U.S. Special Operations Command and other defense organizations. FULLY INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS AERO combines cutting-edge aerospace, IT, communications, and related technologies into fully-integrated aerial solutions and services. Coordinated and controlled by a central command center, AERO solutions communicate together and accomplish work together. They operate either under individual pilot control, or remotely and autonomously from anywhere on the planet. AEROs solutions are key component of the developing Internet of Things.

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