AFCEA Central Florida

Afcea Central Florida

Defense & Space, Tampa, Florida, United States, 201-500 Employees

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AFCEA is an international organization that serves its members by providing a forum for the ethical exchange of information. AFCEA is dedicated to increasing knowledge through the explora...

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  • Tampa, Florida, United States Headquarters: Tampa, Florida, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over

industries-icon Industry: Defense & Space

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AFCEA Central Florida

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida's headquarters are located at Tampa, Florida, United States

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida's phone number is +17*********

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida's official website is

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida has 201-500 employees

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida is in Defense & Space

Answer: AFCEA Central Florida contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: AFCEA is an international organization that serves its members by providing a forum for the ethical exchange of information. AFCEA is dedicated to increasing knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities. AFCEA, founded in 1946, serves as a bridge between government requirements and industry capabilities, representing the top government, industry and military professionals in the fields of communications, computers, intelligence, and information systems. AFCEA, a non-profit international association, is dedicated to the professional development of its members and peace through government effectiveness and military/industrial preparedness. The purpose of the Association is to support global security by providing an ethical environment that encourages a close cooperative relationship among government agencies, the military, and industry. Through its journal SIGNAL, AFCEA covers the international disciplines of communication, computers, intelligence, and information systems. Presently, AFCEA has 36,000 individual members, 1000 corporate sponsors, and 130 chapters worldwide. The Tampa - St. Petersburg Chapter monthly membership meetings are generally held with a luncheon on the third Wednesday of each month at MacDill AFB's Surf's Edge Club. The 1100+ member Chapter distributed scholarships to deserving students in the communications, engineering, and computer science fields of study. We have been pleased to expand this program over the last few years to include scholarship offerings for graduate students, ROTC cadets, and enlisted personnel in the local community. Proceeds from our biennial EXPOs, our annual Fall Golf Tournament, and raffles during our monthly luncheons account for our Scholarship Fund.


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