Affinity Behavioral Care

Affinity Behavioral Care

Mental Health Care, 1525 West Frye Rd, Tempe, Arizona, 85224, United States, 11-50 Employees

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The mission of Affinity Behavioral Care is to provide a safe, secure, welcoming and open environment that promotes a therapeutic atmosphere for adults (18yrs. + ) to become productive par...

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industries-icon Industry: Mental Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 8361 | NAICS Code: 623220 | Show More

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Affinity Behavioral Care Org Chart and Mapping

Mary Thompson

Chief Executive Officer


Ashley Thompson

Behavioral Health Technician

Harley Hall

Behavioral Health Technician

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Affinity Behavioral Care

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's headquarters are located at 1525 West Frye Rd, Tempe, Arizona, 85224, United States

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's phone number is 48********

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's official website is

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's SIC: 8361

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care's NAICS: 623220

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care has 11-50 employees

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care is in Mental Health Care

Answer: Affinity Behavioral Care contact info: Phone number: 48******** Website:

Answer: The mission of Affinity Behavioral Care is to provide a safe, secure, welcoming and open environment that promotes a therapeutic atmosphere for adults (18yrs. + ) to become productive participants in society, despite their challenges of mental illness and substance use. The vision of Affinity Behavioral Care is to embark on a path with our residents and our community to ensure compassion, acceptance, respect, dignity, empowerment and sincerity with each step we take together, improving mental health needs for all. Our attractive residential house settings provide a structured program that nurtures personal growth toward the residents treatment plan goals that are individualized based on their needs. This individualized program enhances their quality of life in a less restrictive environment, while nurturing their independence, dignity and personal life choies. This helps provide peace of mind for individuals and their families. We aspire to achieve this through modeling, assisting, coaching, teaching and supporting each resident in their psychiatric, medical, social, financial, and interpersonal areas of their lives.


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