Agtegra Cooperative

Agtegra Cooperative

Farming, 908 Lamont St S, Aberdeen, South Dakota, 57401, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 60********


Agtegra Cooperative is a local agricultural cooperative headquartered in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It is owned by over 6,700 farmers and ranchers, predominantly in North and South Dakota, w...

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industries-icon Industry: Farming

SIC SIC Code: 4221 | NAICS Code: 11 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Agtegra Cooperative

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's headquarters are located at 908 Lamont St S, Aberdeen, South Dakota, 57401, United States

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's phone number is 60********

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's official website is

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's SIC: 4221

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative's NAICS: 11

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative is in Farming

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative contact info: Phone number: 60******** Website:

Answer: Agtegra Cooperative is a local agricultural cooperative headquartered in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It is owned by over 6,700 farmers and ranchers, predominantly in North and South Dakota, with a network of over 70 locations and 850 employees. Change your life while having an impact in your community! Agtegra Cooperative is bringing together people & ideas to offer products & services that support our customers and communities. And we need dedicated, talented people to bring that vision to life. We believe in the value of relationships and make people a top priority. We believe that continuous learning and improvement is the best way to grow Agtegra. We believe in the power of people different people to bring perspectives together to make a difference. We believe in YOU and that YOU belong at Agtegra!

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