

Computer Software, 5401 Way, Menlo Park, California, Virginia, 37027, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Bluesky is a pioneer in Data Cloud Efficiency, delivering next-gen data infrastructure on clouds. We focus on making querying & analytics faster and cheaper over data clouds, helping CIOs...

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industries-icon Industry: Computer Software

SIC SIC Code: 7374 | NAICS Code: 518210 | Show More

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Andy W

Founding Software Engineer

Meredith Alder

Founding Sales Engineer

Harrison Bond

Founding Software Engineer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bluesky

Answer: Bluesky's headquarters are located at 5401 Way, Menlo Park, California, Virginia, 37027, United States

Answer: Bluesky's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Bluesky's official website is

Answer: Bluesky's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Bluesky's SIC: 7374

Answer: Bluesky's NAICS: 518210

Answer: Bluesky has 11-50 employees

Answer: Bluesky is in Computer Software

Answer: Bluesky contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Bluesky is a pioneer in Data Cloud Efficiency, delivering next-gen data infrastructure on clouds. We focus on making querying & analytics faster and cheaper over data clouds, helping CIOs and senior management optimize their data cloud costs, data analysts and data scientists improve productivity, and data engineers reduce complexity. We are industry experts and innovators with product building and leadership experiences across Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Palantir, Twitter, Uber, Vertica, Yahoo and other leading companies in their sectors. Our founding team is backed by top tier VCs and angels in Enterprise, Data and Machine Learning.


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