Bode Technology

Bode Technology

Biotechnology, Furnace Rd, Lorton, , 22079, Virginia, 10430, United States, 201-500 Employees

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Bode Technology provides: Trusted forensic DNA analysis services Innovative products and solutions Quality service and support Since 1995, Bode has served the law enforcement and identifi...

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industries-icon Industry: Biotechnology

SIC SIC Code: 8071 | NAICS Code: 621511 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bode Technology

Answer: Bode Technology's headquarters are located at Furnace Rd, Lorton, , 22079, Virginia, 10430, United States

Answer: Bode Technology's phone number is 17*********

Answer: Bode Technology's official website is

Answer: Bode Technology's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Bode Technology's SIC: 8071

Answer: Bode Technology's NAICS: 621511

Answer: Bode Technology has 201-500 employees

Answer: Bode Technology is in Biotechnology

Answer: Bode Technology contact info: Phone number: 17********* Website:

Answer: Bode Technology provides: Trusted forensic DNA analysis services Innovative products and solutions Quality service and support Since 1995, Bode has served the law enforcement and identification markets and is unique in providing both state-of-the-art human DNA analysis and innovative DNA collection products. The range of Bodes services include diverse offerings such as high throughput DNA testing services, casework analysis, missing person identification, private and CODIS databanking of convicted offenders or arrestees, as well as paternity identification. Our patented DNA collection systems are in use worldwide for collections of DNA from convicted offenders and arrestees, from crime scenes, as well as from parents and children for genealogy and identification services. On the strength and experience of our research and development teams and casework analysts, Bode is able to offer worldwide DNA analysis services, consulting, training, and validation services on a customized basis. Operating one of the most internationally respected private DNA laboratories, Bodes forensic DNA experts have assisted in identifying criminals in every state in the United States, as well as victims of war, terrorism, crime, and natural disasters, including the attack on the World Trade Center, the war in Bosnia, and the remains of U.S. soldiers dating back to the Vietnam War. Bode played an integral role in assisting with the identification efforts related to Hurricane Katrina, and new advances in extraction technologies that have led to the reopening of efforts to identify victims of the World Trade Center.

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