

Wholesale, 1230 Macklind, St. Louis, Missouri, 63110, United States, 51-200 Employees

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We make it easier to create more engaged readers with books that are curated and packaged by our knowledgeable staff and enhanced by our passion for literacy and exceptional customer serv...

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industries-icon Industry: Wholesale

SIC SIC Code: 5942 | NAICS Code: 459210 | Show More

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Booksource Org Chart and Mapping

Mark Rygelski

Chief Executive Officer


Dan Murphy

B2B Account Specialist

Susan Allen

Training and Development Specialist

Angie Dimarco

Substitute Teacher/ Booksource Resource Creator

Michelle Abeln

Collection Development Specialist

Jenna Clem

Accounts Receivable Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Booksource

Answer: Booksource's headquarters are located at 1230 Macklind, St. Louis, Missouri, 63110, United States

Answer: Booksource's phone number is 13*********

Answer: Booksource's official website is

Answer: Booksource's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Booksource's SIC: 5942

Answer: Booksource's NAICS: 459210

Answer: Booksource has 51-200 employees

Answer: Booksource is in Wholesale

Answer: Booksource contact info: Phone number: 13********* Website:

Answer: We make it easier to create more engaged readers with books that are curated and packaged by our knowledgeable staff and enhanced by our passion for literacy and exceptional customer service. Family-owned and operated in St. Louis, MO, were committed to doing the right thing, which means putting people first. From our employees to our customers, we treat everyone we work with as part of our family. This extends to our local community through employee volunteer opportunities and fundraising for local nonprofits, and to the education community through our support for teachers and our dedication to finding the right books for every reader. At Booksource, we envision a world where every child loves to read and work each day to make this vision a reality.

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