Caption Media Group

Caption Media Group

Media Production, 400 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Sunrise, Florida, 33325, United States, 11-50 Employees

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No matter if you are a small production company trying to sell your show, a large corporation producing training videos for your employees, or a network with complex programming, CMG is y...

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  • 400 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Sunrise, Florida, 33325, United States Headquarters: 400 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Sunrise, Florida, 33325, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
  • Dario Fuenmayor CEO:   Dario Fuenmayor

industries-icon Industry: Media Production

SIC SIC Code: 7812

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Caption Media Group

Answer: Caption Media Group's headquarters are located at 400 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Sunrise, Florida, 33325, United States

Answer: Caption Media Group's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Caption Media Group's official website is

Answer: Caption Media Group's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Caption Media Group's SIC: 7812

Answer: Caption Media Group has 11-50 employees

Answer: Caption Media Group is in Media Production

Answer: Caption Media Group contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: No matter if you are a small production company trying to sell your show, a large corporation producing training videos for your employees, or a network with complex programming, CMG is your best option for all of your language customization needs. We are backed up by over 20 years of experience and we guarantee: - Outstanding linguists for whom Spanish, English and Portuguese are their native language. - The most advanced technology in subtitling and captioning. - Workflow solutions. - Impeccable client service: We adapt to your deadlines and needs. We service: - TV networks and production companies with shows airing through cable and satellite, for the US and Latin American markets. - Private companies and government agencies developing corporate or training videos. - Higher education institutions producing educational videos. - Entertainment companies producing music videos and EPK's. - Advertising agencies producing commercial spots and infomercials. - DVD and Blu-ray authoring houses. All of our clients benefit from our precise subtitling, and our superb captioning and translations services. Click on each service to discover how our services may enhance your product's value.


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