Cascade Corporation

Cascade Corporation

Machinery, Fairview, Oregon, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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Cascade Corporation is a global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of materials handling equipment and related technologies. As Cascade lays the groundwork for continued grow...

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industries-icon Industry: Machinery

SIC SIC Code: 3537 | NAICS Code: 333998 | Show More

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Cascade Corporation Org Chart and Mapping


Michael Kern

VP Construction Attachment Div.

Kevin Kreiter

VP Engineering/Marketing

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cascade Corporation

Answer: Cascade Corporation's headquarters are located at Fairview, Oregon, United States

Answer: Cascade Corporation's phone number is 50********

Answer: Cascade Corporation's official website is

Answer: Cascade Corporation's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Cascade Corporation's SIC: 3537

Answer: Cascade Corporation's NAICS: 333998

Answer: Cascade Corporation has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: Cascade Corporation is in Machinery

Answer: Cascade Corporation contact info: Phone number: 50******** Website:

Answer: Cascade Corporation is a global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of materials handling equipment and related technologies. As Cascade lays the groundwork for continued growth and success, our primary objectives are: * Ensure customer satisfaction by continually improving the quality and value of Cascade products and services. * Provide all employees with challenging and rewarding opportunities to utilize their talents and experience in contributing to our shared success. * Earn a return on our capital that ensures the long term financial health and viability of our company. Success in the pursuit of these goals requires that all employees strive for excellence in everything they do in every aspect of our business. Continuous improvement is essential -- in our products, our services, our interpersonal relationships, our competitiveness and our profitability.

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