Champion Aerospace

Champion Aerospace

Airlines And Aviation, Liberty, South Carolina, 84117, United States, 201-500 Employees

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World leader in aerospace ignition & power systems Champion brand products have brought power to flight by incorporating breakthrough technology and innovative product developments. Throu...

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  • Liberty, South Carolina, 84117, United States Headquarters: Liberty, South Carolina, 84117, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Airlines and Aviation

SIC SIC Code: 3643

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Champion Aerospace

Answer: Champion Aerospace's headquarters are located at Liberty, South Carolina, 84117, United States

Answer: Champion Aerospace's phone number is 18*********

Answer: Champion Aerospace's official website is

Answer: Champion Aerospace's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Champion Aerospace's SIC: 3643

Answer: Champion Aerospace has 201-500 employees

Answer: Champion Aerospace is in Airlines and Aviation

Answer: Champion Aerospace contact info: Phone number: 18********* Website:

Answer: World leader in aerospace ignition & power systems Champion brand products have brought power to flight by incorporating breakthrough technology and innovative product developments. Throughout the years, the famous Champion brand bow tie has represented a worldwide symbol for superiority in product ingenuity and service integrity. Champion has evolved methods for the development of new products over a long history of operations and has proven to consistently produce high quality products that meet or exceed our customers expectations. Champion Aerospace has earned a global reputation for high quality and performance-proven aviation solutions. Keystone products like Champion brand turbine engine exciters, leads, and igniters, and of course Champion brand piston engine spark plugs, filters, and Slick Magnetos and harnesses have been the drivers of Champions success. Champion Aerospace has become the benchmark for aviation innovation, reliability, and trust. Champion Aerospaces research and development facility in Liberty, South Carolina, provides the utmost in modern technology, engineering, testing, and manufacturing operations. Advanced computerized systems enable our operations staff to exercise meticulous control over each phase throughout the entire manufacturing process, including the in-house production of ceramic insulators and the assembly of leads, igniters, exciters, spark plugs, magnetos, and power supplies. Champion Aerospaces engineering and design teams are constantly improving our products with innovations and technological advancements, helping to prolong component life and reduce maintenance time and cost, all while adding the assurance of safety.


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