Cheyenne Village

Cheyenne Village

Individual & Family Services, 1600 Wallace BLVD, Springs, Colorado, 79106, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Cheyenne Village helps people with disabilities lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. It was founded in 1971 on the site of historic McLaughlin Lodge in Manitou Springs, CO. The first...

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industries-icon Industry: Individual & Family Services

SIC SIC Code: 8062 | NAICS Code: 624190 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cheyenne Village

Answer: Cheyenne Village's headquarters are located at 1600 Wallace BLVD, Springs, Colorado, 79106, United States

Answer: Cheyenne Village's phone number is 71********

Answer: Cheyenne Village's official website is

Answer: Cheyenne Village's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Cheyenne Village's SIC: 8062

Answer: Cheyenne Village's NAICS: 624190

Answer: Cheyenne Village has 51-200 employees

Answer: Cheyenne Village is in Individual & Family Services

Answer: Cheyenne Village contact info: Phone number: 71******** Website:

Answer: Cheyenne Village helps people with disabilities lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. It was founded in 1971 on the site of historic McLaughlin Lodge in Manitou Springs, CO. The first 12 clients were taught self-care, basic living, and job skills by continuing to operate the lodge along with support from Cheyenne Village staff. Cheyenne Village was the first agency to be licensed by the Colorado Department of Health and Department of Social Services. Early on, Cheyenne Village became a nationally recognized and replicated model. Today, Cheyenne Village serves over 370 individuals with developmental disabilities living all across the Pikes Peak Region in a variety of locations including; apartments, host homes and group homes. OUR GOALS: Cheyenne Village has an impact on our community by achieving the following goals: Provide safe and affordable housing and staff support in apartments, host homes, and group homes. Teach basic skills so individuals can live as independently as possible. Provide transportation for medical appointments, jobs, recreation, and other activities. Maintain or improve the health of individuals served by Cheyenne Village. Help enrich lives by encouraging volunteer and recreational activities. Provide services to augment existing family or caregiver support.

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