Cobb County School District

Cobb County School District

Primary And Secondary Education, 514 Glover St Se, Marietta, Georgia, 30060, United States, 10001+ Employees

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The COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT is a public school system with administrative offices based at 514 Glover St., Marietta, GA 30060. Cobb County School District (CCSD) is the second largest...

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  • 514 Glover St Se, Marietta, Georgia, 30060, United States Headquarters: 514 Glover St Se, Marietta, Georgia, 30060, United States
  • 10001+ Employees: 10001+
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over

industries-icon Industry: Primary and Secondary Education

SIC SIC Code: 8211 | NAICS Code: 921120 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cobb County School District

Answer: Cobb County School District's headquarters are located at 514 Glover St Se, Marietta, Georgia, 30060, United States

Answer: Cobb County School District's phone number is 77********

Answer: Cobb County School District's official website is

Answer: Cobb County School District's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Cobb County School District's SIC: 8211

Answer: Cobb County School District's NAICS: 921120

Answer: Cobb County School District has 10001+ employees

Answer: Cobb County School District is in Primary and Secondary Education

Answer: Cobb County School District contact info: Phone number: 77******** Website:

Answer: The COBB COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT is a public school system with administrative offices based at 514 Glover St., Marietta, GA 30060. Cobb County School District (CCSD) is the second largest school system in Georgia. CCSD is responsible for educating more than 112,000 students in a diverse, constantly changing suburban environment. CCSD is made up of 113 schools and employs over 18,000 employees, making it the largest employer in Cobb County, GA. Our mission is Creating and Supporting Pathways for Success. Our vision is One Team, One Goal: Student Success.

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