Creatv MicroTech

Creatv Micro Tech

Biotechnology, Lake Potomac Drive, Potomac, , 20854, Maryland, 11609, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Creatv MicroTech's mission is to dramatically reduce global cancer mortality through early detection. Our innovative blood test can detect cancer in the earliest stages, even before sympt...

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industries-icon Industry: Biotechnology

SIC SIC Code: 3559 | NAICS Code: 333248 | Show More

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Daniel Adams

Director of Clinical R&D

Jillian Moran

Clinical Cancer Lab Technician

Alexis Duffy

Junior Research Associate

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Creatv MicroTech

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's headquarters are located at Lake Potomac Drive, Potomac, , 20854, Maryland, 11609, United States

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's official website is

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's SIC: 3559

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's NAICS: 333248

Answer: Creatv MicroTech has 11-50 employees

Answer: Creatv MicroTech is in Biotechnology

Answer: Creatv MicroTech contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Creatv MicroTech's mission is to dramatically reduce global cancer mortality through early detection. Our innovative blood test can detect cancer in the earliest stages, even before symptoms. It can also confirm whether a patient is responding to treatment and surveil for early signs of recurrence after treatment has finished. Clinical application of this highly sensitive and specific test will improve cancer treatment outcomes. Cancer touches all of us. Almost 40% of Americans are currently expected to receive a diagnosis of cancer in their lifetime. Over half of these diagnoses occur after significant progression, in stages 3 and 4, making it difficult to achieve successful therapeutic outcomes. Early detection with high accuracy is needed for all major cancers. Nearly 14.5 million Americans are living with a history of cancer, many in remission under surveillance for possible recurrence. Early detection of recurrence enables faster response and improved outcomes. Our CellSieve diagnostic platform uncovered a previously unknown cell in the blood of cancer patients, the cancer associated macrophage-like cell (CAML). These cells are very large and distinctly different from normal cells and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). We found these CAMLs in patients with solid tumors, but not in healthy individuals. CAMLs are highly informative, because they contain markers of the cancer type and indicate sensitivity or resistance to particular treatments. Unlike CTCs, CAMLs are found in all stages of cancer, including stage I. Together, CAMLs and CTCs provide a unique capability for early detection of cancer, monitoring treatment, and watching for recurrence. CellSieve is currently in research use at leading cancer clinics in the US and eight foreign countries.


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