Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX

Ellie Mental Health Austin, Tx

Mental Health Care, Bee Cave Rd., Austin, , 78738, Texas, 11719, United States, 1-10 Employees


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We vow to be really and truly different from other mental health providers. The mental health field presents barriers not just for clients and the community, but also for the helpers, the...

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  • 11719 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, Texas, 78738, United States Headquarters: 11719 Bee Cave Rd., Austin, Texas, 78738, United States
  • 2022 Date Founded: 2022
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Mental Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 8322

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Rebecca Opamen

Clinic Director/Therapist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX's headquarters are located at Bee Cave Rd., Austin, , 78738, Texas, 11719, United States

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX's official website is https://elliementalhealth.com/locations/bee-cave-austin-tx

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX's SIC: 8322

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX has 1-10 employees

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX is in Mental Health Care

Answer: Ellie Mental Health-Austin, TX contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://elliementalhealth.com/locations/bee-cave-austin-tx

Answer: We vow to be really and truly different from other mental health providers. The mental health field presents barriers not just for clients and the community, but also for the helpers, therapists, and creatives who do this work. We knew that if we wanted to be truly different, we would have to problem-solve barriers in the field at all levels. Our core values drive all that we do, and help us align with our why. We do what we do because it makes sense, and because of science, of course. An abundance of research says that taking intentional time to help your mental health increases your overall wellbeing and life satisfaction. Our services are an opportunity for your brain to take a break. A break that includes support from a professional secret keeper who will ride with you on your emotional journey and offer guidance along the way. Our core values ensure that all of our actions from the impactful connections between clients and therapists to the big business decisions align with our goal of providing innovative mental health services that fill a gap in our communities.


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