Funtasia Enterprise

Funtasia Enterprise

Education Management, 901 Cherry Ave, Santa Monica, California, 94066, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Funtasia Enterprise is a California Benefit corporation dedicated to providing a wide range of educational services to schools, institutions, parents, and caregivers. Our mission is to re...

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  • 901 Cherry Ave, Santa Monica, California, 94066, United States Headquarters: 901 Cherry Ave, Santa Monica, California, 94066, United States
  • 2020 Date Founded: 2020
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 3317 | NAICS Code: 517919 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Funtasia Enterprise

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's headquarters are located at 901 Cherry Ave, Santa Monica, California, 94066, United States

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's official website is

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's SIC: 3317

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise's NAICS: 517919

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise has 1-10 employees

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise is in Education Management

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Funtasia Enterprise is a California Benefit corporation dedicated to providing a wide range of educational services to schools, institutions, parents, and caregivers. Our mission is to revolutionize the educational landscape by offering capacity-building training, classes, workshops, and online resources. At Funtasia, we have developed an innovative Educational Approach that combines socio-emotional, experiential, and community-based learning and teaching methods. This proprietary approach, derived from extensive research and testing in over four countries and languages, can be applied to various subjects. It is specifically designed to enhance the educational experience of youth and adults, fostering the development of transversal, relational, and creative soft skill sets. Our approach employs a diverse range of tools, including hands-on activities that encompass cognitive intelligence and sense awareness. These activities are carried out through engaging games, independent projects, and layered conversations with instructors and peers, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. To provide structure and consistency, we have crafted a deliberately sequenced Learning Arch that underlies all our programs, from adult training to youth programs and digital products. At Funtasia, we believe in the transformative power of education. Our activities are meticulously designed to strengthen social and self-awareness, cultivate a growth and solution-oriented mindset, and empower individuals to explore and celebrate their inner strengths. We aim to instill courage and resilience, enabling young people and adults to fully embrace their personal and educational journeys. With a physical presence in five countries and global online accessibility, Funtasia Enterprise is making a significant impact on a global scale.


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