Greenwich Historical Society

Greenwich Historical Society

Museums And Institutions, 39 Strickland Road, COS COB, , 6807, Connecticut, United States, 11-50 Employees

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MISSION STATMENT: Greenwich Historical Society preserves and interprets Greenwich history to strengthen our communitys connection to our past, to each other, and to our future. Greenwich,...

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  • 39 Strickland Road, COS COB, Connecticut, 6807, United States Headquarters: 39 Strickland Road, COS COB, Connecticut, 6807, United States
  • 1931 Date Founded: 1931
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies
  • Debra Mecky CEO:   Debra Mecky

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Debra Mecky

Executive Director & CEO

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Greenwich Historical Society

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society's headquarters are located at 39 Strickland Road, COS COB, , 6807, Connecticut, United States

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society's phone number is 20********

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society's official website is

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society has 11-50 employees

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Greenwich Historical Society contact info: Phone number: 20******** Website:

Answer: MISSION STATMENT: Greenwich Historical Society preserves and interprets Greenwich history to strengthen our communitys connection to our past, to each other, and to our future. Greenwich, Connecticut was founded in 1640, was pivotal during the American Revolution, and later became a gilded-age enclave for the rich and famous. Greenwich has long been associated with well-known individuals and pivotal events in the arts, business, journalism and politics. Greenwich Historical Society was founded in 1931 to collect and chronicle this vibrant history. It is a member of the Historic Artists Homes and Studios and is one of 21 museums on the Connecticut Art Trail. Greenwich Historical Society boldly reimagined campus opening October 6, 2018 will relay the town's national significance. The new campus features a nationally accredited museum, library and archives, cafe, store, and restored Impressionist-era gardens. It is home to the circa 1730 National Historic Landmark Bush-Holley House, which survived the American Revolution and became Connecticut's first American Impressionist art colony. Greenwich Historical Society offers innovative educational programs, exhibitions, events, and preservation initiatives. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES are open Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. VISITOR INFORMATION BUSH-HOLLEY HOUSE: Jan.-Feb. Sat. and Sun; Mar.-Dec. Wed.-Sun. 12-4 pm. Admission is by docent-led tour only, at 1, 2, and 3 pm. MUSEUM GALLERIES: Year round Wed.-Sun. 12-4 pm. ADMISSION to the Bush-Holley House and museum galleries: Adults: $10, seniors $8, always free to members and children under 18. Free admission the first Wednesday of each month. We are also a proud Blue Star Museum, offering free admission to active military personnel and their families from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

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