JDRF Pacific Northwest

Jdrf Pacific Northwest

Fund Raising, 200 Vesey St, Seattle, Washington, 10281, United States, 201-500 Employees


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JDRF is the worldwide leader for research to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). It sets the global agenda for diabetes research and is the largest charitable funder and advocate of diabetes scie...

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  • 200 Vesey St, Seattle, Washington, 10281, United States Headquarters: 200 Vesey St, Seattle, Washington, 10281, United States
  • 1970 Date Founded: 1970
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $500 Million to $1 Billion
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Fund Raising

SIC SIC Code: 8399 | NAICS Code: 541613 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding JDRF Pacific Northwest

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's headquarters are located at 200 Vesey St, Seattle, Washington, 10281, United States

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's phone number is +12*********

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's official website is https://jdrf.org/pacificnwandseattleguild

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's revenue is $500 Million to $1 Billion

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's SIC: 8399

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest's NAICS: 541613

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest has 201-500 employees

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest is in Fund Raising

Answer: JDRF Pacific Northwest contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://jdrf.org/pacificnwandseattleguild

Answer: JDRF is the worldwide leader for research to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D). It sets the global agenda for diabetes research and is the largest charitable funder and advocate of diabetes science worldwide. The JDRF Pacific Northwest serves people in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington who live with type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults suddenly and lasts a lifetime. Until a cure is found, people with type 1 diabetes have to test their blood sugar and give themselves insulin injections multiple times a day or use a pump each day, every day of their lives. And even with that intensive care, insulin is not a cure for diabetes, nor does it prevent its eventual and devastating complications, which may include kidney failure, blindness, heart disease, stroke, and amputation. In the last year, JDRF supporters raised $89 million for T1D research grants by attending a Gala, fundraising for One Walk, contributing a major gift or making a cash donation.


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