JP Talent Agency

Jp Talent Agency

Staffing And Recruiting, 2884 Sand Hl Rd, Los Angeles, California, 94025, United States, 1-10 Employees

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JP Talent is a top tiered recruiting agency that specializes in working with the top Executive Level (CRO & CEO) and high level sales candidates that work to take companies' to the absolu...

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industries-icon Industry: Staffing and Recruiting

SIC SIC Code: 7361; 7363 | NAICS Code: 561311 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding JP Talent Agency

Answer: JP Talent Agency's headquarters are located at 2884 Sand Hl Rd, Los Angeles, California, 94025, United States

Answer: JP Talent Agency's phone number is +16*********

Answer: JP Talent Agency's official website is

Answer: JP Talent Agency's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: JP Talent Agency's SIC: 7361; 7363

Answer: JP Talent Agency's NAICS: 561311

Answer: JP Talent Agency has 1-10 employees

Answer: JP Talent Agency is in Staffing and Recruiting

Answer: JP Talent Agency contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: JP Talent is a top tiered recruiting agency that specializes in working with the top Executive Level (CRO & CEO) and high level sales candidates that work to take companies' to the absolute next level, in turn increasing sales substantially. In parallel, JP Talent Agency partners with the top tiered clients in all industries ranging ad tech start ups to advertising agencies. JP Talent acts as a consultant bridging the gap between clients in need and the appropriate candidates to help them achieve their needs. JP Talent strives for the utmost prestigious and high level placements, the agency attracts the best of the best, on both talent/candidate and client sides because talent attracts talent, the best attracts the best.


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