Maersk Line, Limited

Maersk Line, Limited

Maritime, 2510 Walmer Ave Ste C, Norfolk, Virginia, 23513, United States, 201-500 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 75********


Maersk Line, Limited (MLL) is an American company, headquartered in Virginia with offices in Norfolk and Dulles, that provides U.S. flag transportation, ship management and maritime techn...

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industries-icon Industry: Maritime

SIC SIC Code: 4499

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maersk Line, Limited

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited's headquarters are located at 2510 Walmer Ave Ste C, Norfolk, Virginia, 23513, United States

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited's phone number is 75********

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited's official website is

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited's SIC: 4499

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited has 201-500 employees

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited is in Maritime

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited contact info: Phone number: 75******** Website:

Answer: Maersk Line, Limited (MLL) is an American company, headquartered in Virginia with offices in Norfolk and Dulles, that provides U.S. flag transportation, ship management and maritime technical services to government and commercial customers. As a business within the Maersk Group, MLL uniquely combines unparalleled experience, maritime expertise and global intermodal capability. In 1983, MLL won its first government contract to convert and operate five military prepositioning ships. Since then, we have managed and operated over 100 vessels of varying types and sizes. With the largest U.S. flag fleet in commercial service, we employ approximately 700 U.S. mariners and work with all the major U.S. maritime unions. Through the years, we have provided superior service to our country and our customers. MLL is committed to U.S. service members, the U.S. Merchant Marine and the maritime industry. Our efforts are guided by our corporate values, including continuous improvement and environmental stewardship. We seek every day to build greater confidence in our maritime and transportation services and strengthen our partnership with our customers.

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