Manta Biofuel

Manta Biofuel

Oil & Energy, 925 N Ln Brea Ave, Owings Mills, Maryland, 90038, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Our Public Fundraise is Closing Soon. Invest Now. Manta is a cutting-edge biotechnology startup that is revolutionizing the way we think about sustainable energy and environmental remedia...

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industries-icon Industry: Oil & Energy

SIC SIC Code: 2836 | NAICS Code: 325414 | Show More

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Chris Lindsay

Chief Executive Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manta Biofuel

Answer: Manta Biofuel's headquarters are located at 925 N Ln Brea Ave, Owings Mills, Maryland, 90038, United States

Answer: Manta Biofuel's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Manta Biofuel's official website is

Answer: Manta Biofuel's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Manta Biofuel's SIC: 2836

Answer: Manta Biofuel's NAICS: 325414

Answer: Manta Biofuel has 1-10 employees

Answer: Manta Biofuel is in Oil & Energy

Answer: Manta Biofuel contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Our Public Fundraise is Closing Soon. Invest Now. Manta is a cutting-edge biotechnology startup that is revolutionizing the way we think about sustainable energy and environmental remediation. Our patented technology removes pollutants, like algae blooms and excessive nutrients, from water more sustainably than traditional methods for a fraction of the cost. Combining established water treatment processes with our proprietary magnetic filtration technology allows us to fit the power of a water treatment plant in a highly mobile footprint. This unique mobility opens largely underserved segments of the $300B water treatment market. Manta can then leverage its experience in biofuel production to convert collected pollutants like algae into a carbon neutral fuel. By combining our innovative water treatment technology with our experience in biofuels, we will simultaneously address two critical issues facing the world today- water pollution and climate change.


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