MD HomeCare

Md Home Care

Medical Practice, 9225 N 3rd St, Phoenix, Arizona, 85020, United States, 11-50 Employees

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MD HomeCare is a practice of doctors Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who make house calls just like the old days. We come to your home, office, assisted living facility, or g...

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industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 5045 | NAICS Code: 541613 | Show More

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Mohamed Khalil

Chief Executive Officer and Owner

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MD HomeCare

Answer: MD HomeCare's headquarters are located at 9225 N 3rd St, Phoenix, Arizona, 85020, United States

Answer: MD HomeCare's phone number is 60********

Answer: MD HomeCare's official website is

Answer: MD HomeCare's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: MD HomeCare's SIC: 5045

Answer: MD HomeCare's NAICS: 541613

Answer: MD HomeCare has 11-50 employees

Answer: MD HomeCare is in Medical Practice

Answer: MD HomeCare contact info: Phone number: 60******** Website:

Answer: MD HomeCare is a practice of doctors Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who make house calls just like the old days. We come to your home, office, assisted living facility, or group home. We can treat anything from the sniffles to patients with complex medical needs. MD HomeCare is one of the only house call practices in the United States that has both Primary Care and Specialist Providers on staff. Our team of professionals enables us to deliver convenient, comprehensive services to treat the whole patient. MD HomeCare was established in 2017 to fill an unmet need for medical care among patients who were unable to leave their homes or who had difficulty getting to a Physicians office. Often these patients had complex chronic conditions that required ongoing medical care. Without proper care, their condition would worsen, and the patients eventually would require emergency care or admission to a hospital at a high cost to both patients and payers. At MD HomeCare our approach centers around providing ongoing Primary Care with specialty services as needed. This enables us to monitor patients conditions and address problems before they become urgent, reducing the need for emergency care and hospital admission and improving patients quality of life. Headquartered in Phoenix Arizona, our practice continues to grow each year. In addition to providing in-home services, we also work with assisted living facilities and hospitals to provide ongoing or post-procedure care. Our visiting house call Medical Providers are able to provide medical care at home, treating patients in the comfort of their own homes with a suite of mobile medical services that align closely to the services provided in a typical doctors office, yet with more hands-on and in-depth approach to treating patients that is very differentiated from the traditional doctors office visit our typical visits are 30 to 90 minutes long.


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