
Health, Wellness And Fitness, 5901 W Broad St, Richmond, Virginia, 23230, United States, 1-10 Employees

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As Richmond's longevity, weight loss and performance lab, we help people feel, look and move better. We unlock your personal metabolic formula to achieve your health and fitness goals. Em...

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industries-icon Industry: Health, Wellness and Fitness

SIC SIC Code: 6311 | NAICS Code: 551114 | Show More

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David Ambrose

Co-Founder & Health Behavior Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding METAFITRX

Answer: METAFITRX's headquarters are located at 5901 W Broad St, Richmond, Virginia, 23230, United States

Answer: METAFITRX's phone number is +18*********

Answer: METAFITRX's official website is

Answer: METAFITRX's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: METAFITRX's SIC: 6311

Answer: METAFITRX's NAICS: 551114

Answer: METAFITRX has 1-10 employees

Answer: METAFITRX is in Health, Wellness and Fitness

Answer: METAFITRX contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: As Richmond's longevity, weight loss and performance lab, we help people feel, look and move better. We unlock your personal metabolic formula to achieve your health and fitness goals. Embrace your unique self with our DEXA Scan - the gold standard for body composition assessment and the key to understanding your health. DEXA accurately measures body fat percentage, muscle mass & bone mineral density. Ignite your metabolic fire with our Resting Metabolic Rate assessment which determines your daily caloric needs for precise & personalized nutrition planning. Unleash your inner athlete with our VO2max assessment for cardiopulmonary fitness which determines how to train to burn fat and gain muscle while improving heart health. Our services are applicable to individuals, businesses (workplace wellness programs) & complementary providers. Take a fresh and unique approach to your employees well-being as we utilize these advanced diagnostics to improve employee health and job performance. Lets chat about being your difference maker over one of our free educational seminars for workplaces. We offer free consultations to everyone. We highly recommend taking advantage of this offer to determine if what we provide is right for you. Lets work together to take the mystery out of your metabolism.


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