Modern Trials

Modern Trials

Research, Miami, Florida, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Modern Trials partners with healthcare organizations and leverages electronic healthcare data to identify patients in need of advanced treatment options and match them with appropriate cl...

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industries-icon Industry: Research

SIC SIC Code: 8731 | NAICS Code: 541714 | Show More

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Michael Brinkley

Lead Clinical Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Modern Trials

Answer: Modern Trials's headquarters are located at Miami, Florida, United States

Answer: Modern Trials's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Modern Trials's official website is

Answer: Modern Trials's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Modern Trials's SIC: 8731

Answer: Modern Trials's NAICS: 541714

Answer: Modern Trials has 11-50 employees

Answer: Modern Trials is in Research

Answer: Modern Trials contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Modern Trials partners with healthcare organizations and leverages electronic healthcare data to identify patients in need of advanced treatment options and match them with appropriate clinical trial opportunities in a patient-first and HIPAA-compliant manner. Warm handoffs are used to refer qualifying patients to contract research organizations for trial enrollment on a subscription + fee-for-service basis and ongoing support is provided to patients through trial participation. Modern Trials extends the ability of healthcare organizations and physicians to offer the most cutting-edge treatments available, we bring potentially life-saving therapeutics to patients in need and we help our customers, life science organizations, save $billions by filling their clinical trials with more representative samples faster and cheaper than ever before, reducing time-to-market for new therapeutics. Modern Trials is thrilled to announce our inclusion as an ARPA-H CXHub member and the launch of our Trial Recruitment Toolbox SaaS offering in 2024!


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