Muller Technology

Muller Technology

Industrial Automation, 3939 Automation Way, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States, 51-200 Employees

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MULLER Technology is a dynamic and innovative company with two divisions, Industrial Automation and Injection Molds. The Industrial Automation division offers state-of-the-art automation ...

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  • 3939 Automation Way, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States Headquarters: 3939 Automation Way, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States
  • 1959 Date Founded: 1959
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Industrial Automation

SIC SIC Code: 3537 | NAICS Code: 333924 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Muller Technology

Answer: Muller Technology's headquarters are located at 3939 Automation Way, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States

Answer: Muller Technology's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Muller Technology's official website is

Answer: Muller Technology's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Muller Technology's SIC: 3537

Answer: Muller Technology's NAICS: 333924

Answer: Muller Technology has 51-200 employees

Answer: Muller Technology is in Industrial Automation

Answer: Muller Technology contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: MULLER Technology is a dynamic and innovative company with two divisions, Industrial Automation and Injection Molds. The Industrial Automation division offers state-of-the-art automation and advanced robotics solutions to various industries to enhance productivity and efficiency. MULLER designs and makes manufacturing production lines using dynamic and innovative Industry 4.0 technologies like Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), Collaborative Robots (Cobots), Robot Arms (6-axis, SCARA), Vision Systems and Digital Twins. The Injection Mold-making division provides high-precision solutions in the area of In-Mold Labelling and Injection-Compression molding to meet the unique needs of each customer. MULLER focuses on environmental footprint reduction and Sustainability through light-weighting of packaging solutions, and substitution of plastics with renewable materials. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their challenges and develop tailored solutions that improve productivity and increase competitiveness. Both divisions work together to ensure that the company stays ahead of the curve, delivering innovative products and services that set the standard for their industries. Customers include manufacturers of complex components, and brand owners in the food, pharma, medical, and personal care industry. With operations in southern Switzerland and Colorado, USA, the company has a strong global presence and is well-positioned to serve clients around the world. With a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on customer satisfaction, MULLER Technology is at the forefront of the industrial automation and robotics industry, driving innovation and providing solutions for a better future. MULLER Technology is an equal opportunity employer and has a team-oriented, and consensus-based corporate culture.


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