New York Botanical Garden

New York Botanical Garden

Museums And Institutions, 2900 Southern BLVD, Bronx, New York, 10458, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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The New York Botanical Garden is an iconic living museum and, since its founding in 1891, has served as an oasis in this busy metropolis. As a National Historic Landmark, this 250-acre si...

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industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 5992 | NAICS Code: 999990 | Show More

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New York Botanical Garden Org Chart and Mapping

Jv Cossaboom

Interim President & CEO


Michael Balick

VP for Botanical Science

V Allen

Administrative Assistant to the VP of Education


Vanessa Sellers

Director - The Humanities Institute

Danielle Malgrange

Student in Landscape Design

Kurt Morrell

Director of the Arboretum, Grounds and Gardens

Ecag Sharedmbx

Everett Children's Adventure Garden

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding New York Botanical Garden

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's headquarters are located at 2900 Southern BLVD, Bronx, New York, 10458, United States

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's phone number is +17*********

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's official website is

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's SIC: 5992

Answer: New York Botanical Garden's NAICS: 999990

Answer: New York Botanical Garden has 501-1000 employees

Answer: New York Botanical Garden is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: New York Botanical Garden contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: The New York Botanical Garden is an iconic living museum and, since its founding in 1891, has served as an oasis in this busy metropolis. As a National Historic Landmark, this 250-acre site's verdant landscape supports over one million living plants in extensive collections. Each year more than one million visitors enjoy the Garden not only for its remarkable diversity of tropical, temperate, and desert flora, but also for programming that ranges from renowned exhibitions in the Haupt Conservatory to festivals on Daffodil Hill. The Garden is also a major educational institution. More than 300,000 people annuallyamong them Bronx families, school children, and teacherslearn about plant science, ecology, and healthful eating through NYBG's hands-on,curriculum-based programming. Nearly 90,000 of those visitors are children from underserved neighboring communities, while more than 3,000 are teachers from New York City's public school system participating in professional development programs that train them to teach science courses at all grade levels. NYBG operates one of the world's largest plant research and conservation programs, with nearly 200 staff membersincluding 80 Ph.D. scientistsworking in the Garden's state-of-the-art molecular labs as well as in the field, where they lead programs in 49 countries.

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