Nexilis Technologies

Nexilis Technologies

Insurance, 15 Somerset St, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, 08876, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Nexilis provides a comprehensive P&C insurance processing platform and services that manages all underwriting and product distribution needs for P&C Insurers, that is woven with emerging ...

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industries-icon Industry: Insurance

SIC SIC Code: 7372 | NAICS Code: 513210 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nexilis Technologies

Answer: Nexilis Technologies's headquarters are located at 15 Somerset St, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, 08876, United States

Answer: Nexilis Technologies's official website is

Answer: Nexilis Technologies's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Nexilis Technologies's SIC: 7372

Answer: Nexilis Technologies's NAICS: 513210

Answer: Nexilis Technologies has 11-50 employees

Answer: Nexilis Technologies is in Insurance

Answer: Nexilis Technologies contact info: Phone number: Website:

Answer: Nexilis provides a comprehensive P&C insurance processing platform and services that manages all underwriting and product distribution needs for P&C Insurers, that is woven with emerging technologies, digitalization and innovation, creating a seamless business experience Nexilis is revolutionizing how the insurance industry utilizes and seamlessly integrates AI, Blockchain and predictive models into everyday insurance transactions Nexilis is the Latin word for woven together, intertwined.....and thats exactly our goal when it comes insurance processing environments create a seamless business experience that takes advantage of the most advanced technological tools available, creating valuable and usable insight into specific risks and a companys book of business to optimize profitability in a supremely efficient platform.


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