Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative

Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative

Education Management, 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative is a Christ-centered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the state of Tennessee to be operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientifi...

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  • 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States Headquarters: 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million

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Tanner Thornton

Biblical Worldview Teacher

Melanie Harb

Principal for Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative's headquarters are located at 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative's official website is https://oakgrovecoop.com

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative has 11-50 employees

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative is in Education Management

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative contact info: Phone number: Website: https://oakgrovecoop.com

Answer: Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative is a Christ-centered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the state of Tennessee to be operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes. Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative provides an environment of support, encouragement, and opportunities to like-minded families who have chosen to educate their children at home. Our Mission Desiring that our children reach their maximum, God-given potential, we are a supportive community of homeschool families seeking to give our children a rich and full education through the best of classroom and homeschool instruction. Our Partnership Oak Grove Homeschool Cooperative is a collection of home-schooling parents who have organized in a cooperative home-school model through which we hire tutors/teachers. This partnership assists and enhances our childrens educational experience by providing our children a social and classroom environment. The model combines the experience of professional educators and group learning with the flexibility and individual attention of homeschooling. Our Core Programs - Red: Monday and Wednesday - Blue: Tuesday and Thursday). - Purple: A third day core option available on Friday mornings. Combining Red or Blue with Purple makes it possible for families to select a 2.5-day core program if they wish. For example, students could attend all day on Monday and Wednesday, plus a half day on Friday. With afternoon electives on Friday, parents may also elect to have their children here three full-days each week by choosing the 2.5 day core option and participating in our Friday afternoon programs.

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