Planckton Data

Planckton Data

Information Technology And Services, Houston, Texas, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Planckton Data is a green tech start-up focused on helping companies understand and manage their carbon footprint, with the ultimate aim of achieving net zero carbon emissions. We are a p...

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industries-icon Industry: Information Technology and Services

SIC SIC Code: 7374 | NAICS Code: 518210 | Show More

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Tulika Banerjee

UX Researcher and Platform Analyst

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Planckton Data

Answer: Planckton Data's headquarters are located at Houston, Texas, United States

Answer: Planckton Data's phone number is 12*******

Answer: Planckton Data's official website is

Answer: Planckton Data's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Planckton Data's SIC: 7374

Answer: Planckton Data's NAICS: 518210

Answer: Planckton Data has 1-10 employees

Answer: Planckton Data is in Information Technology and Services

Answer: Planckton Data contact info: Phone number: 12******* Website:

Answer: Planckton Data is a green tech start-up focused on helping companies understand and manage their carbon footprint, with the ultimate aim of achieving net zero carbon emissions. We are a purpose-driven organization - our purpose is to advance global economic, energy, and climate security by harnessing the power of carbon data management. The first step to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity is to measure them accurately, close to the source, and in real time. The ability to understand their carbon footprint, manage it, report it to the appropriate agencies, and then move definitively towards achieving net zero carbon emissions is a critical need for companies. Data and digital capabilities are the foundation of our technology platform and associated services, including data management and carbon consulting services, that provide deep insights into an organisations carbon footprint and highlight opportunities to take action. We enable organisations to monitor and realise their actions by leveraging data to make operational improvements, thus achieving real net zero. This end-to-end measurement-to-action cycle also enables organisations to develop robust and automated reporting and compliance programs for agencies and regulators. We focus on asset-heavy industries, including Energy, Chemicals, Mining and Resources. We are trusted by many global companies to help them better manage their entire carbon data lifecycle and make data-driven decisions that increase revenue, reduce cost, minimise risk, and build corporate reputation.


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