Pringle Group

Pringle Group

Construction, 1108 Sartori Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States, 51-200 Employees

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For over 30 years, The Pringle Group has been recognized as a first-class DSA Inspection firm. Our firm has built a reputation for excellence in DSA Project Inspection and consulting serv...

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industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 3011 | NAICS Code: 541715 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pringle Group

Answer: Pringle Group's headquarters are located at 1108 Sartori Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States

Answer: Pringle Group's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Pringle Group's official website is

Answer: Pringle Group's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Pringle Group's SIC: 3011

Answer: Pringle Group's NAICS: 541715

Answer: Pringle Group has 51-200 employees

Answer: Pringle Group is in Construction

Answer: Pringle Group contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: For over 30 years, The Pringle Group has been recognized as a first-class DSA Inspection firm. Our firm has built a reputation for excellence in DSA Project Inspection and consulting services for a wide range of clients. We have gained tremendous experience with all sizes and types of school construction projects. Our team brings a vast knowledge of construction and DSA inspection expertise with over 400 years combined experience. Compliance is Our Code, Excellence is Our Commitment As a respected leader in DSA Project Inspection and consulting services, we have a reputation for excellence, quality, and client satisfaction. We provide DSA Inspection to over 80 School Districts and Community College Districts and have provided DSA Project Inspector services on over 1,000 school projects including new construction, renovations, modernizations, additions and other program-wide projects. We have built our reputation on a commitment to provide the highest quality Inspection Consultants for each District while providing a cost-effective, reliable service. Our experienced team works in collaboration with Architects, Special Inspectors, Engineers, Construction Managers and Owner Representatives. We also provide an effective close-out service for School Districts. Our company culture is defined by our core values: integrity, collaboration, quality, teamwork and accountability. Building Excellence for Over 30 Years A key factor that sets Pringle Group apart from other Project Inspection firms is our commitment to quality and client satisfaction. The firms team of experienced professionals work closely with clients to understand their needs and objectives and to develop customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. Inspector Training Our DSA Inspector training program actively recruits and trains new candidates to become certified DSA inspectors. This allows us to train prospective inspectors, connect them with seasoned inspectors and join our team.


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