Renegade Brands USA

Renegade Brands Usa

Wholesale, 3953 Goldfinch St, Solon, Ohio, 92103, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Founded in 2012, Renegade Brands started with an innovative, proprietary cleaning formula that noticeably outperformed all other laundry detergents in the removal of odors and stains, par...

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industries-icon Industry: Wholesale

SIC SIC Code: 2841 | NAICS Code: 325612 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Renegade Brands USA

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's headquarters are located at 3953 Goldfinch St, Solon, Ohio, 92103, United States

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's phone number is 21********

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's official website is

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's SIC: 2841

Answer: Renegade Brands USA's NAICS: 325612

Answer: Renegade Brands USA has 11-50 employees

Answer: Renegade Brands USA is in Wholesale

Answer: Renegade Brands USA contact info: Phone number: 21******** Website:

Answer: Founded in 2012, Renegade Brands started with an innovative, proprietary cleaning formula that noticeably outperformed all other laundry detergents in the removal of odors and stains, particularly from the advanced technical fabrics that were increasingly becoming standard in athletic wear. Thus, our brand Sweat-X Sport was established and launched nationwide into the consumer sports market. With this knowledge and proven technology, we developed new products and protocols to tackle the harsh laundry conditions of the professional and collegiate sports market and quickly became the leading laundry detergent provider in the industry. Years later, weve taken what we learned and applied it across the hospitality, healthcare and senior living industries. Now, we proudly provide cost-saving, uniquely designed laundry systems in all aspects of residential and commercial laundry. #hiring

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