
Mental Health Care, 37 Camp Moween Rd, Lebanon, Connecticut, 06249, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Who is SCADD

The Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (SCADD) has been providing quality treatment services to people seeking recovery since 1966. SCADD is able to provide a co...

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industries-icon Industry: Mental Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 8069 | NAICS Code: 813319 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding SCADD

Answer: SCADD's headquarters are located at 37 Camp Moween Rd, Lebanon, Connecticut, 06249, United States

Answer: SCADD's phone number is +13*********

Answer: SCADD's official website is

Answer: SCADD's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: SCADD's SIC: 8069

Answer: SCADD's NAICS: 813319

Answer: SCADD has 51-200 employees

Answer: SCADD is in Mental Health Care

Answer: SCADD contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: The Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (SCADD) has been providing quality treatment services to people seeking recovery since 1966. SCADD is able to provide a continuum of treatment services, licensed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health. We are an agency that believes in second chances and the ability of people to find recovery. Our empathetic, compassionate staff are dedicated to supporting people in their pathway to recovery. Our Mission - To provide quality, affordable treatment services centered around hope, connection, and empowerment for every person who is seeking recovery while making a positive impact in the communities we serve. Our Purpose - To accomplish its mission, SCADD will address all aspects of the treatment process. The treatment process will include cost effective Outpatient, Detox and Residential Treatment Services. No person at the acute level of care will be turned away regardless of their ability to pay, or the number of times they present themselves. SCADD is committed to keeping the community informed and involved.


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