

Utilities, 100 Schreiber Dr, Trussville, Alabama, 35173, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Since the 1930s, when Dr. August Schreibers biological purification plants dotted the German countryside, Schreiber has developed innovative products for advanced biological wastewater tr...

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industries-icon Industry: Utilities

SIC SIC Code: 3559 | NAICS Code: 333310 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Schreiber

Answer: Schreiber's headquarters are located at 100 Schreiber Dr, Trussville, Alabama, 35173, United States

Answer: Schreiber's phone number is +14*********

Answer: Schreiber's official website is

Answer: Schreiber's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Schreiber's SIC: 3559

Answer: Schreiber's NAICS: 333310

Answer: Schreiber has 11-50 employees

Answer: Schreiber is in Utilities

Answer: Schreiber contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:

Answer: Since the 1930s, when Dr. August Schreibers biological purification plants dotted the German countryside, Schreiber has developed innovative products for advanced biological wastewater treatment. Extensive, ongoing research and development led Schreiber to its Counter Current Aeration technology and the first activated sludge plant in the 1960s. The company introduced its Model GR aeration technology in 1979 in its first US installation. In 1980, Schreiber developed the single reactor-basin approach for advanced biological wastewater treatment a technology that would lead to the development of Schreiber Flex ControlsTM and the Continuously Sequencing Reactor. In 1995, Schreiber introduced the Fuzzy Filter, a compressible media filter system. Schreibers FlexControls monitoring and control systems, patented in 2008, give facilities state-of-the-art tools to maximize efficiency. Today Schreiber offers individual wastewater components, complete systems, and a wide range of energy-efficient and innovative wastewater treatment solutions, from influent to final discharge. With the highest quality fit and finish, Schreibers durable systems help achieve low operating costs while consistently meeting or exceeding our customers expectations. Schreiber now also provides solutions-based approaches to the food processing, pulp and paper, power, mining, oil and gas, and chemicals markets. Purpose To Improve water, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Schreiber. Mission The go-to solutions based company in water resource recovery offering proprietary equipment solutions to customers who value a consultative/comprehensive approach.


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