The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division

The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division

Non Profit Organization Management, 2507 E 22nd St, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, United States, 1001-5000 Employees

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The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination since 1865. Nearly 33 million Americans rec...

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  • 2507 E 22nd St, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, United States Headquarters: 2507 E 22nd St, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, United States
  • 1001-5000 Employees: 1001-5000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 8661

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division's headquarters are located at 2507 E 22nd St, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, United States

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division's phone number is +14*********

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division's official website is

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division's SIC: 8661

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division has 1001-5000 employees

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: The Salvation Army Northeast Ohio Division contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:

Answer: The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination since 1865. Nearly 33 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through a broad array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter for the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. About 83 cents of every dollar raised is used to support those services in nearly 9,000 communities nationwide.


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