Viscogliosi Bros

Viscogliosi Bros

Financial Services, 100 North Tryon St, New York, 28255, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC (VB), headquartered in New York City, specializes in venture capital, private equity and merchant banking for the neuromusculoskeletal industry. Founded by Antho...

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industries-icon Industry: Financial Services

SIC SIC Code: 6771 | NAICS Code: 523910 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Viscogliosi Bros

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's headquarters are located at 100 North Tryon St, New York, 28255, United States

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's phone number is 21********

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's official website is

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's SIC: 6771

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros's NAICS: 523910

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros has 51-200 employees

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros is in Financial Services

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros top competitors include: O'Keefe

Answer: Viscogliosi Bros contact info: Phone number: 21******** Website:

Answer: Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC (VB), headquartered in New York City, specializes in venture capital, private equity and merchant banking for the neuromusculoskeletal industry. Founded by Anthony, John and Marc Viscogliosi in 1999, the firm creates, builds, operates and finances companies founded on surgeon-developed innovation to address unmet clinical needs uniquely focused on life-changing neuromusculoskeletal technologies. VB principals have participated in more than 200 transactions, have invested in more than 20 companies and have formed nine industry-defining strategic partnerships. VB invests in technologies whose applications benefit patients and the healthcare system by improving quality of care, reducing costs, and expanding patient and provider access. With enhanced data, VB attempts to identify the technologies that best satisfy these criteria and works to transform them into successful medical breakthroughs that enable patients to regain active lifestyles. VB, its affiliates, and its partnerships have generated more than $1.5 billion in exit value on behalf of their shareholders and investor base. Through its portfolio companies, VB has defined five entirely novel orthopedic industry categories. Its investments have helped commercialize more than 75 med-tech devices, including ten number one orthopedic technologies. VB portfolio companies have sold products in more than 70 countries. VB invests its own capital in every venture, and is wholly committed to the operational, clinical, and financial success of each of its portfolio investments. Current portfolio companies within the VB ecosystem include, but are not limited to, Paradigm Spine, Centinel Spine, Woven Orthopedics Technology, Musculoskeletal Clinical Regulatory Advisers, and Aperion Biologics.


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