Vuetech Health Innovations

Vuetech Health Innovations

Biotechnology, 550 First Ave, Charlottesville, Virginia, 10016, United States, 11-50 Employees

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EVA (Emergency Video Alerts) is an intelligent, automated video monitoring system that utilizes computer vision and machine learning algorithms to detect, predict, and prevent harmful eve...

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industries-icon Industry: Biotechnology

SIC SIC Code: 7372 | NAICS Code: 513210 | Show More

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Victor Aquino

Chief Executive Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Vuetech Health Innovations

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's headquarters are located at 550 First Ave, Charlottesville, Virginia, 10016, United States

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's official website is

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's SIC: 7372

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations's NAICS: 513210

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations has 11-50 employees

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations is in Biotechnology

Answer: Vuetech Health Innovations contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: EVA (Emergency Video Alerts) is an intelligent, automated video monitoring system that utilizes computer vision and machine learning algorithms to detect, predict, and prevent harmful events (e.g. falls, pressure ulcers, seizures) in hospitals and nursing homes. Importantly, the video feed is never saved nor viewed by any human observer, thus protecting patient privacy. EVA detects potentially harmful situations (as defined by predetermined parameters) and immediately notifies healthcare providers through local alarms and digital applications so that they may intervene before the patient gets hurt. This technology is especially pertinent in the era of Covid-19 and with our ever increasing elderly population, as it achieves the triple aim of 1) improving patient outcomes by minimizing unnecessary contact while prioritizing safety, 2) enhancing nursing home population health by helping caregivers in understaffed facilities meet the needs of all their patients, and 3) reducing health system costs incurred by preventable adverse events. Please visit our website to learn more!


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